Code Journal #3
Today I:
- Improved the look and usability of the site, though it is still in testing.
- Used the rails-footnote plugin to improve debugging.
- Added an action_button helper for creating buttons from links on bootstrap with less syntax.
- Removed a lot of visual clutter and streamlined the site.
- Jettisoned some unnecessary images.
- Used a combination of partials and javascript to create a login form popover.
Today I Learned:
- To double check authorization code paths when I change routing code.
- That untested code paths will break when I make changes in other areas.
- Rescuing StandardError can make code work, but it is bad practice that will break areas in the future.
- Shaleah is really good at findings bugs!
Next time I will:
- Write more tests..
- Continue to improve the visual design and UX of the site.
- Add Ziptastic.
- Squash more visual bugs.
- Push the changes out and continue to iterate.
- Detect older browsers and encourage users to upgrade.
- Start on the project to implement parts of the site in Backbone.js